Saturday, February 12, 2011

Owning a Horse

Owning a horse

Horse ownership offers many benefits. Caring for an animal teaches a child to be responsible. The routine and regiment of caring for an animal teaches children discipline. As with many interests, the rewards are the direct result of hardwork. Children will learn that hard work pays off, and develop a good work ethic. When children contribute towards the cost of keeping a horse they develop an appreciation for money and finances. A nervous or shy child will gain self-confidence from being able to handle a large animal. All these qualities will carry over into the child's life. Riding and stable chores develop strength, agility, balance and coordination. A family horse encourages teamwork and sharing. A competitive child will gain a healthy sense of sportsmanship and a good competitive attitude

Keeping a horse can be expensive. The animal must be cared for every day, twice a day, 365 days a year. If you pay someone to take care of the horse this is not such a problem. A horse that is cared for by the family must be provided for during holidays, vacations, and family crisis. Your child may lose interest or find another pastime. Horses are time consuming. Make sure that your child's other activities will fit in with a horse. Do you or someone in your family have the experience to care for a horse. If not, are you willing to learn? If you have any doubts about your chills level of interest, try some of the other options mentioned before committing to a horse full time!

If you don't already take lessons, improve your riding skill and horse care knowledge by investing in a series of lessons at a reputable stable. This will boost your confidence and knowledge and give you a better idea of your equestrian ambitions.
Around the country there are camps for both adults and children dealing with all areas of horsemanship. Sign up for a camp and you will receive an intensive course in your chosen area.
This a great option. Leases are often affordable and can be for varying amounts of time. A leased horse offers the responsibility of horse ownership without the long-term commitment. It has the added advantage of allowing you to upgrade to a fancier model as your skills improve!
If you have a friend who is also considering buying a horse, think about sharing. With a sharing agreement, everything is shared the chores, riding and expenses. For some people this is a great arrangement, just make sure that the sharing is equal!

1 comment:

  1. The benefits of of owning a horse are many. But before having them, it may seem like hard work and indeed it is. Before you enjoy horsemanship, you have to spend time, money and energy in finding the right one for you.
